但也還沒確定明年受到那個車架品牌的贊助,好 令 人 期 待 呀 ~
2. 究竟,年齡對於騎車表現影響多大?
請容Q 半仙以偏概全一下
2.1. The reality is that only minimal physiological declines occur before about 50 years of age, particularly when we’re talking about an athlete’s musculature.
2.2. What stops a lot of guys from riding until their 40s is not physical, but mental. Fifteen years of riding five hours a day, six days a week, counting every calorie you eat, and being on the road all the time has its toll on people.
2.3. It showed that Indurain hasn’t lost much in the 14 years since his last race.
The 46-year-old’s maximum heartrate was still 191bpm (around 17bpm higher than you might expect for someone his age) and he was still able to put out an impressive amount of power. To quote the author of the study: “Indurain’s absolute maximal and submaximal oxygen uptake and power output still compare favorably with those exhibited by active professional cyclists.”
Oh! Men! 看到殷杜蘭退休14 年後,46 歲配合研究,作出這種數據,Q 半仙都快哭了...
There’s lots of evidence that these guys aren’t necessarily done at 40. It’s just whether they choose to do it or not. 共勉之
3. 今晚是UCI Road World Championships 2013 - Junior Women 公路賽以及U23 Men 公路賽
U23 Men 公路賽 賽前預測,澳洲SBS 專欄預測
對人名不熟沒關係,Q 半仙也只對澳客軍團, 英倫雙胞胎以及Zabel 他兒子熟一點