Route:Gaiole in Chianti - Siena 188km
1 Moreno Moser (Ita) Cannondale Pro Cycling
2 Peter Sagan (Svk) Cannondale Pro Cycling
3 Rinaldo Nocentini (Ita) Ag2R La Mondiale
Moreno Moser 果真是潛力股,頂著住家族的光輝史
春天的早鳥4 枚:Michael Schär (BMC), Aleksejs Saramotins (IAM Cycling), Maxim Belkov (Katusha), Giairo Ermetti (Androni)
Peloton 滾過托斯卡尼著名的白土路(白土路不好走影片)
Moreno Moser (Cannondale)在最後一段白土路出去了...這時peloton 都盯著沙公,無暇顧及...
最後10km,只剩Michael Schär (BMC), Maxim Belkov (Katusha) 還撐著,死命的逃
坎爺發覺不妙,想從peloton 中攻出去,想故技重施...可惜被沙公看死
還剩6km,Moser (Cannondale) 追上Michael Schär (BMC), Maxim Belkov (Katusha)
爬坡,Moser (Cannondale)竟然坐在兔子的後輪上省力!
過了倒數1km 拱門,Moser (Cannondale) 加速,撇掉一個
沙公從追擊群上來了,掩護Moser (Cannondale)
6 秒後沙公拿第二
1 秒後追擊群衝線,坎爺第4
賽後訪問,坎爺表示:The best team won today, there's no doubt about that. Cannondale raced well together and took advantage of every moment. I tried to make a selection several times but Sagan and Valverde just isolated me. It was a hard, fast race, with the wind making it harder. To win you needed more than just good legs. I had those. But as I imagined, the race was a bit of a lottery because you can attack at almost any point in the finale, on any climb or corner. I'm satisfied with my performance because this was a hard race, harder than last year when I won. It was a good test of my condition and I'm happy with where I am now. I don't have the solution to how beat Sagan at the moment but I'm getting close to where I want to be. There's still time to improve and there's still some margin for improvement. We'll see what happens in a few weeks time.
Q 半仙心得
-Moreno Moser 果真是潛力股,扛著家族的光輝史,分擔了爛路賽的責任
-他們隊上只剩一萬八索是GC 主將,有點青黃不接
-RadioShack-Leopard 隊上氣氛詭譎,無心戀戰,Q半仙調降其評等