1. UCI 主席要改選之前的黑幕
在UCI 主席改選之前,9 月的年度會議上要對一項UCI 章程臨時動議投票:The proposal allows presidential candidates to secure nominations from around the world and extends the deadline for nomination from late June to the end of August.
因為現任UCI 主席Pat McQuaid 的祖國 - 愛爾蘭車協不挺他,而他長期居住的瑞士車協又搖擺不表態,於是他只好想出由泰國與摩洛哥車協支持,馬來西亞車協提名的奧步
不過請別擔心,要修改UCI 章程得要2/3 投票通過,就目前42 席來說,有14 席是支持已經表態參選的Brian Cookson (Great Britain),McQuaid 的陰謀難成
其實,UCI 主席讓全世界車協來催生沒什麼不好,甚至Q 半仙也很樂見,但要是用在個人的私慾上...有不如無...
2. UCI 從2014 年開始,強制執行認證輪組上賽場的規定
只是,自2011 年開始的有貼認證標的車架上賽場,現在又多了一個有貼認證標的輪組上賽場罷了
而現在的UCI 的輪組測試也的確很鳥,有不如無
因此他們找來了輪組專家Paul Lew,聽聽他的建議
2.1. 現在的UCI 測試只能測出輪組在撞擊之後會不會有零件散落,危害車手(除了Spinergy 的老碳纖刀輪組之外,應該都會過關),測試標準要重設
2.2. Handbuilt 輪組是大漏洞 (當年Q 半仙還是輪組從業人員時,最大的疑惑也在此):廠輪要檢驗,請編輪師父編的輪組卻可以過關...現在大部份的廠輪都是人手工編的啊,這一定要改革
2.3. 什麼材質的幅條都一樣,不用去特別分金屬製品或是碳纖維
其他車廠(例:島野家,看板挪挪...) 也都發表意見
也好啦,難得看到UCI 廣納諫言
3. 台灣或是中國做的車子就沒靈魂?!
4. R.I.P. Cleto Maule
2013年7月31日 星期三
2013年7月30日 星期二
20130730 AQ 報報
1. Erik Zabel 的自白
1.1. Nobody forced me to take EPO|CyclingNews
1.2. Erik Zabel has resigned his position as Sport Director of the Vattenfalls Cyclassics, the only German WorldTour race|CyclingNews
1.3. Zabel spürt die Konsequenzen|Süddeutsche.de
1.4. Spiel mit dem Zauberfläschchen|Süddeutsche.de
2. UnitedHealthcare 2014 要成立女子隊
想想UnitedHealthcare 的戰馬是總部在香港的NEILPRYDE 有沒有可能為了開拓亞洲市場(像其他女子隊),開放機會給台灣中國香港的傑出女車手呢?
3. Euskaltel-Euskadi 請隊內車手快去找新東家
Over the weekend, things became even bleaker, as Basque daily DEAI reported that Euskaltel officials quietly told its riders ahead of their “home race” in Saturday’s Clásica San Sebastián that they were free to search for new contracts for the 2014 season.
另外,Q 半仙好奇的是Orbea 這西皮台骨的單車品牌在Euskaltel-Euskadi 解散後,會消失於WorldTour 場上,還是會另找出路?
4. 對照組:Saxo Bank 贊助車隊的五大原因
想站上國際舞臺的台灣企業主,想一想:買一支WorldTour 車隊比買一支中職的打假球球隊划算多了!
1.1. Nobody forced me to take EPO|CyclingNews
1.2. Erik Zabel has resigned his position as Sport Director of the Vattenfalls Cyclassics, the only German WorldTour race|CyclingNews
1.3. Zabel spürt die Konsequenzen|Süddeutsche.de
1.4. Spiel mit dem Zauberfläschchen|Süddeutsche.de
2. UnitedHealthcare 2014 要成立女子隊
想想UnitedHealthcare 的戰馬是總部在香港的NEILPRYDE 有沒有可能為了開拓亞洲市場(像其他女子隊),開放機會給台灣中國香港的傑出女車手呢?
3. Euskaltel-Euskadi 請隊內車手快去找新東家
Over the weekend, things became even bleaker, as Basque daily DEAI reported that Euskaltel officials quietly told its riders ahead of their “home race” in Saturday’s Clásica San Sebastián that they were free to search for new contracts for the 2014 season.
另外,Q 半仙好奇的是Orbea 這西皮台骨的單車品牌在Euskaltel-Euskadi 解散後,會消失於WorldTour 場上,還是會另找出路?
4. 對照組:Saxo Bank 贊助車隊的五大原因
想站上國際舞臺的台灣企業主,想一想:買一支WorldTour 車隊比買一支中職的打假球球隊划算多了!
2013年7月26日 星期五
20130726 AQ 報報
1. 現在,我想我可以來報一下前幾天揭露的1998 環法EPO 測試陽性名單
1998,是個美好的年代...Good old day, never came back...
一切從這份報導開始French Senate releases positive EPO cases from 1998 Tour de France
確定EPO 陽性:Andrea Tafi, Erik Zabel, Bo Hamburger (twice), Laurent Jalabert, Marcos Serrano, Jens Heppner, Jeroen Blijlevens, Nicola Minali, Mario Cipollini, Fabio Sacchi, Eddy Mazzoleni, Jacky Durand, Abraham Olano, Laurent Desbiens, Marco Pantani, Manuel Beltran, Jan Ullrich (twice), Kevin Livingston (twice)
疑似EPO 陽性:Ermanno Brignoli, Alain Turicchia, Pascal Chanteur, Frederic Moncassin, Bobby Julich, Roland Meier, Giuseppe Calcaterra, Stefano Zanini, Eddy Mazzoleni, Stephane Barthe, Stuart O'Grady, Axel Merckx
確定EPO 陽性的Jeroen Blijlevens 認了,於是他離開Belkin Pro Cycling(本來他是擔任sports director)
Erik Zabel 雖然承認過他在1996 年時曾經一次性使用EPO,但本事件的爆發他還不想談
Laurent Jalabert 承認本次檢測的陽性結果,但他不認為是他使用禁藥:I’ve never looked at meeting doctors in order to increase my performances. I’ve never spent a franc [the local currency before the euro in 2002] for seeing or buying forbidden substances. I’ve never wished to take part in the arms race. I can’t firmly say that I’ve never taken anything illegal. I’ve effectively used products when it was necessary, in case of lesions or other injuries. At ONCE, in the evening after the stages, the doctor took care of us, for our recovery, but we didn’t really know what it was. A relationship with doctors based on mutual trust was established, so we didn’t ask questions. We were treated, I’ve never said otherwise. Were we doped? I believe we weren’t…
奇怪的是有個人跳出來,剛宣布退修的Stuart O'Grady:I sourced it (EPO) myself. There was no one else involved. It didn't involve the team in any way. I just had to drive over the border and buy it at any pharmacy. The hardest part of all this is I did it for two weeks before the Tour de France. I used extremely cautious amounts because I'd heard a lot of horror stories and did the absolute minimum of what I hoped would get me through. When the Festina Affair happened, I smashed it, got rid of it and that was the last I ever touched it.
接著,先是前WADA 主席 (同時也是Orica GreenEdge's review of the team's anti-doping policies and procedures 作者) Nicki Vance 百感交集地表示:I'm disappointed for him that his career is now going to be tainted by what I regard as a poor decision made at the time in a very poor environment to be in.
Orica GreenEdge 表示支持O'Grady,GM Shayne Bannan 真是大好人
Wade Wallace|Cycling Tip 下了一個好註腳:He would have left a much cleaner legacy if he had come forward earlier in the ASADA investigations or while the Vance Report was being written. Don’t judge the likes of O’Grady until you’ve ridden a few kilometers in his shoes. It’s easy to say you would have taken the moral high ground and “hardened the f#ck up”, but if there was one guy who would have done that if he thought he could, it would have been O’Grady.
然而,經過壯爺案拖了這麼久,卻一點正義都沒有落實,Q 半仙已經不想管1998 EPO 事件了...Good old day is gone...
2. ㄜ ...CAS 裁定德國使用東德時期研究出來的UV light blood treatments 不算作弊
這判決牽扯到去年春訓麥雞頭被爆出使用UV light blood treatments,現在終於有個定案了...無罪~
3. Riis 與Tinkoff Bank 談不攏,Team Saxo-Tinkoff 開始找贊助商
4. Tinkov(Tinkoff team 老闆) 與Riis 談不攏之後,決定出來單幹,2014 弄支新車隊給你瞧瞧
Oleg Tinkov:Oh Yeah...
戰鬥民族的陰晴不定,Q 半仙真弄不懂啊...
1998,是個美好的年代...Good old day, never came back...
一切從這份報導開始French Senate releases positive EPO cases from 1998 Tour de France
確定EPO 陽性:Andrea Tafi, Erik Zabel, Bo Hamburger (twice), Laurent Jalabert, Marcos Serrano, Jens Heppner, Jeroen Blijlevens, Nicola Minali, Mario Cipollini, Fabio Sacchi, Eddy Mazzoleni, Jacky Durand, Abraham Olano, Laurent Desbiens, Marco Pantani, Manuel Beltran, Jan Ullrich (twice), Kevin Livingston (twice)
疑似EPO 陽性:Ermanno Brignoli, Alain Turicchia, Pascal Chanteur, Frederic Moncassin, Bobby Julich, Roland Meier, Giuseppe Calcaterra, Stefano Zanini, Eddy Mazzoleni, Stephane Barthe, Stuart O'Grady, Axel Merckx
確定EPO 陽性的Jeroen Blijlevens 認了,於是他離開Belkin Pro Cycling(本來他是擔任sports director)
Erik Zabel 雖然承認過他在1996 年時曾經一次性使用EPO,但本事件的爆發他還不想談
Laurent Jalabert 承認本次檢測的陽性結果,但他不認為是他使用禁藥:I’ve never looked at meeting doctors in order to increase my performances. I’ve never spent a franc [the local currency before the euro in 2002] for seeing or buying forbidden substances. I’ve never wished to take part in the arms race. I can’t firmly say that I’ve never taken anything illegal. I’ve effectively used products when it was necessary, in case of lesions or other injuries. At ONCE, in the evening after the stages, the doctor took care of us, for our recovery, but we didn’t really know what it was. A relationship with doctors based on mutual trust was established, so we didn’t ask questions. We were treated, I’ve never said otherwise. Were we doped? I believe we weren’t…
奇怪的是有個人跳出來,剛宣布退修的Stuart O'Grady:I sourced it (EPO) myself. There was no one else involved. It didn't involve the team in any way. I just had to drive over the border and buy it at any pharmacy. The hardest part of all this is I did it for two weeks before the Tour de France. I used extremely cautious amounts because I'd heard a lot of horror stories and did the absolute minimum of what I hoped would get me through. When the Festina Affair happened, I smashed it, got rid of it and that was the last I ever touched it.
接著,先是前WADA 主席 (同時也是Orica GreenEdge's review of the team's anti-doping policies and procedures 作者) Nicki Vance 百感交集地表示:I'm disappointed for him that his career is now going to be tainted by what I regard as a poor decision made at the time in a very poor environment to be in.
Orica GreenEdge 表示支持O'Grady,GM Shayne Bannan 真是大好人
Wade Wallace|Cycling Tip 下了一個好註腳:He would have left a much cleaner legacy if he had come forward earlier in the ASADA investigations or while the Vance Report was being written. Don’t judge the likes of O’Grady until you’ve ridden a few kilometers in his shoes. It’s easy to say you would have taken the moral high ground and “hardened the f#ck up”, but if there was one guy who would have done that if he thought he could, it would have been O’Grady.
然而,經過壯爺案拖了這麼久,卻一點正義都沒有落實,Q 半仙已經不想管1998 EPO 事件了...Good old day is gone...
2. ㄜ ...CAS 裁定德國使用東德時期研究出來的UV light blood treatments 不算作弊
這判決牽扯到去年春訓麥雞頭被爆出使用UV light blood treatments,現在終於有個定案了...無罪~
3. Riis 與Tinkoff Bank 談不攏,Team Saxo-
4. Tinkov(Tinkoff team 老闆) 與Riis 談不攏之後,決定出來單幹,2014 弄支新車隊給你瞧瞧
Oleg Tinkov:Oh Yeah...
戰鬥民族的陰晴不定,Q 半仙真弄不懂啊...
2013年7月25日 星期四
20130725 AQ 報報
1. 書推薦:Va Va Froome|inrng 評
想多瞭解一點弗嚕米? 看這本書就對了~
2. Experiments in Speed
3. 六款Q 半仙買不起的輪組評比
Shimano C50-TU:大隻雞慢啼,剎車邊優良,輪框不對稱鋼絲孔讓傳動測鋼絲角度更大,值得擁有
Mavic CC40 C:創新結合鋁碳材,讓clincher 能穩穩勾住,而且剎車力道扶搖直上
Zipp 202 Firecrest:妖框,神器...除非你是個重量級棒槌,不然這輪組真是棒透了! 特別是雨天剎車能力~
Reynolds 72 Aero:TT,衝刺皆好用,記得去升級36T 嚙合齒喔
ENVE SES 3.4 Clincher:前板低寬,後板高窄...顯示出這對輪組的確是認真考慮過氣動力學的結晶,而且夠硬又有強大剎車,誰不想騎上一整天?
Hed Stinger 4FR:27mm 寬超級胖框,氣動力學優勢明顯,面對側風也游刃有餘,似乎每踩一下都可以跑更遠,帶我走吧~
想多瞭解一點弗嚕米? 看這本書就對了~
2. Experiments in Speed
3. 六款Q 半仙買不起的輪組評比
Shimano C50-TU:大隻雞慢啼,剎車邊優良,輪框不對稱鋼絲孔讓傳動測鋼絲角度更大,值得擁有
Mavic CC40 C:創新結合鋁碳材,讓clincher 能穩穩勾住,而且剎車力道扶搖直上
Zipp 202 Firecrest:妖框,神器...除非你是個重量級棒槌,不然這輪組真是棒透了! 特別是雨天剎車能力~
Reynolds 72 Aero:TT,衝刺皆好用,記得去升級36T 嚙合齒喔
ENVE SES 3.4 Clincher:前板低寬,後板高窄...顯示出這對輪組的確是認真考慮過氣動力學的結晶,而且夠硬又有強大剎車,誰不想騎上一整天?
Hed Stinger 4FR:27mm 寬超級胖框,氣動力學優勢明顯,面對側風也游刃有餘,似乎每踩一下都可以跑更遠,帶我走吧~
2013年7月24日 星期三
20130724 AQ 報報
1. 2013 Tour de France 回顧
Q 半仙收集的2013 TdF 照片
2. Post-Tour Criteriums
環法之後,亮點車手受邀重聚,露露臉,賺點零用錢...可惜Movistar 小氣,不給Quintana 參加
3. Q 半仙看2013 環法心得:器材篇
3.1. 狗媽是神車:配島野家拿黃衫;配看板挪挪拿登山王;讓葡萄牙種馬單飛勝;閃電牌過彎low side 我還挺得住
3.2. SHIMANO DURA-ACE 有Osymetric 才完整
3.3. SRM 其實是因為車子太輕所以大家都裝
3.4. 盤爺衝刺這麼不理想是因為他用SRAM
3.5. 最適合拖孤輪的車是砍膿屌,再來是死肥肉
3.6. GIANT PROPEL 是最會爬坡的低風阻車,可惜衝刺單飛沒一樣行
3.7. 不管什麼安全帽,因為車隊成績領先而塗成黃色都很醜
4. 史家兄妹確定再度合體,與TREK 簽約,2014 並肩作戰
5. 150th Backstage Pass
6. Garmin Vector power meter 九月開賣?
ANT+ compatible power meter, measures and reports
・Total power (watts)
・Normalised power
・Intensity factor
・Training stress score
・Left/Right balance (%)
・Cadence (rpm)
・+/- 1.5% accuracy
・Transmits via ANT+ protocol
Vector system weight (approximate per pedal)
・Pedal 119 grams
・Pedal pod 21 grams
・Cleat + hardware 38 grams
・Total per pedal 178 grams
・Lightweight injected carbon fiber body
・CNC machined, hardened stainless steel spindle
・LSL bushing and sealed cartridge bearings
・Adjustable tension binding
・Look Keo compatible
Pedal pods
・ANT+ transmitters and cadence measurement via accelerometers
・User-replaceable battery (2032 coin cell)
・Minimum of 200 hours of active cycling
・High durability thermoplastic with ant-slip surface pads
・Rubber button to reduce free float action between shoe and cleat
・6 degrees of float (0 degrees available as accessory)
・Look Keo compatible
Q 半仙收集的2013 TdF 照片
2. Post-Tour Criteriums
環法之後,亮點車手受邀重聚,露露臉,賺點零用錢...可惜Movistar 小氣,不給Quintana 參加
3. Q 半仙看2013 環法心得:器材篇
3.1. 狗媽是神車:配島野家拿黃衫;配看板挪挪拿登山王;讓葡萄牙種馬單飛勝;閃電牌過彎low side 我還挺得住
3.2. SHIMANO DURA-ACE 有Osymetric 才完整
3.3. SRM 其實是因為車子太輕所以大家都裝
3.4. 盤爺衝刺這麼不理想是因為他用SRAM
3.5. 最適合拖孤輪的車是砍膿屌,再來是死肥肉
3.6. GIANT PROPEL 是最會爬坡的低風阻車,可惜衝刺單飛沒一樣行
3.7. 不管什麼安全帽,因為車隊成績領先而塗成黃色都很醜
4. 史家兄妹確定再度合體,與TREK 簽約,2014 並肩作戰
5. 150th Backstage Pass
6. Garmin Vector power meter 九月開賣?
ANT+ compatible power meter, measures and reports
・Total power (watts)
・Normalised power
・Intensity factor
・Training stress score
・Left/Right balance (%)
・Cadence (rpm)
・+/- 1.5% accuracy
・Transmits via ANT+ protocol
Vector system weight (approximate per pedal)
・Pedal 119 grams
・Pedal pod 21 grams
・Cleat + hardware 38 grams
・Total per pedal 178 grams
・Lightweight injected carbon fiber body
・CNC machined, hardened stainless steel spindle
・LSL bushing and sealed cartridge bearings
・Adjustable tension binding
・Look Keo compatible
Pedal pods
・ANT+ transmitters and cadence measurement via accelerometers
・User-replaceable battery (2032 coin cell)
・Minimum of 200 hours of active cycling
・High durability thermoplastic with ant-slip surface pads
・Rubber button to reduce free float action between shoe and cleat
・6 degrees of float (0 degrees available as accessory)
・Look Keo compatible
2013年7月23日 星期二
20130723 AQ 報報
1. Stuart O’Grady 宣布退休
經歷了23 年的職業生涯(1995 年轉進Gan 車隊開始他的公路車生涯,共19 年;完成次17 次環法)
其傑出表現獲得大英國協Elizabeth II 頒贈Medal of the Order of Australia (簡稱:OAM)
Tour de France; second, points classification
Olympic Games; gold, men's madison
Tour de France; second, points classification
Tour de France; leader, stages three to nine
Tour de France; stage five (TTT)
Tour Down Under; overall classification
Tour de France; second, points classification
Tour Down Under; overall classification
Tour Down Under; stage five
Tour Down Under; stage three
Tour de France; second, points classification
Tour de France; stage 14
Tour de France; leader, stages four to six
Orica-GreenEdge 總經理Shayne Bannan 表示:It’s impossible to sum up everything that Stuart has given cycling, but a few things stand out. His commitment to the sport and to his team has been immense. He’s been a huge resource and a fantastic rider for us to work with. To have that kind of dedication at this point in his career shows a lot about his character. He’s a unique person and an incredible athlete. His experience and status in the peloton has been one of the key elements to our success. We respect his decision and even if we wanted to keep him, we knew that he had been thinking this after the team time trial win. Bowing out after a legendary career like his has been a hard decision for him, but we’re proud to say that he was part of starting up this team and set the bar for high ambitions from day one.
2. Fränk Schleck 拒絕水母Flavio Becca 提出來的2013 剩餘價值計劃
Becca 本來說大史蹲完車監,他也不考慮回聘他...但又反覆了...說要給大史一個合約,騎到2013 結束
而Becca 之前已經將2014 RadioShack-Leopard 賣給TREK,而史妹也已經跟TREK 談好未來合作條件
因此大史決定:我現在才不要幫水母騎車,但明年我會跟我妹妹一起攜手共創未來~今年環西我還沒放棄,技術上來說在某車隊待到今年年底是可行的 (Technically possible to ride with another team until the end of the season.)
Q 半仙比較好奇的是:大史要挑哪一支車隊/哪一支車隊會收大史跑完2013 賽季,然後讓他拍拍屁股走人?
經歷了23 年的職業生涯(1995 年轉進Gan 車隊開始他的公路車生涯,共19 年;完成次17 次環法)
其傑出表現獲得大英國協Elizabeth II 頒贈Medal of the Order of Australia (簡稱:OAM)
Tour de France; second, points classification
Olympic Games; gold, men's madison
Tour de France; second, points classification
Tour de France; leader, stages three to nine
Tour de France; stage five (TTT)
Tour Down Under; overall classification
Tour de France; second, points classification
Tour Down Under; overall classification
Tour Down Under; stage five
Tour Down Under; stage three
Tour de France; second, points classification
Tour de France; stage 14
Tour de France; leader, stages four to six
Orica-GreenEdge 總經理Shayne Bannan 表示:It’s impossible to sum up everything that Stuart has given cycling, but a few things stand out. His commitment to the sport and to his team has been immense. He’s been a huge resource and a fantastic rider for us to work with. To have that kind of dedication at this point in his career shows a lot about his character. He’s a unique person and an incredible athlete. His experience and status in the peloton has been one of the key elements to our success. We respect his decision and even if we wanted to keep him, we knew that he had been thinking this after the team time trial win. Bowing out after a legendary career like his has been a hard decision for him, but we’re proud to say that he was part of starting up this team and set the bar for high ambitions from day one.
2. Fränk Schleck 拒絕水母Flavio Becca 提出來的2013 剩餘價值計劃
Becca 本來說大史蹲完車監,他也不考慮回聘他...但又反覆了...說要給大史一個合約,騎到2013 結束
而Becca 之前已經將2014 RadioShack-Leopard 賣給TREK,而史妹也已經跟TREK 談好未來合作條件
Q 半仙比較好奇的是:大史要挑哪一支車隊/哪一支車隊會收大史跑完2013 賽季,然後讓他拍拍屁股走人?
2013年7月22日 星期一
Tour de France 2013 - Stage 21
Route:Versailles - Paris - Champs-Elysées 133.5km
1 Marcel Kittel (Ger) Team Argos-Shimano
2 André Greipel (Ger) Lotto Belisol
3 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Omega Pharma-Quick Step
終於,要完成2013 環法了,大家都如釋重負...花都,來個happy ending 吧
第一趟繞經凱旋門...要繞10 趟
David Millar (Garmin-Sharp) 先出頭,露露臉
Alejandro Valverde (Movistar), Manuel Quinziato (BMC), Bram Tankink (Belkin) 趁著暮色,璀璨一下
SKY boys 一字排開進終點,連兩年,都是英國人拿下環法冠軍...英國的自行車運動改革成功,能傳承,有目共睹
難怪弗嚕米會這麼強運 -- 娶妻前,生子後...
還有Bauke Mollema (Belkin),女朋友深情的一吻
感謝大家這幾天聽我唬爛說環法,並且參加AQ 聯盟...Q 半仙說過贏家有獎品的
Only Way 小朋友,請趕快寄信到aq@euaq.org 給Q 半仙,註明:收件人姓名,電話,地址
MERIDA 2013環法賽導覽 - Stage 21|嘴砲王
2013年7月21日 星期日
Tour de France 2013 - Stage 20
Route:Annecy - Annecy-Semnoz 125km
1 Nairo Alexander Quintana Rojas (Col) Movistar Team
2 Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver (Spa) Katusha
3 Christopher Froome (GBr) Sky Procycling
首波兔子團:Pierre Rolland (Europcar), Jens Voigt (RadioShack Leopard Trek), Marcus Burghardt (BMC), Juan Antonia Flecha (Vacansoleil-DCM),Simon Clarke (Orica-GreenEdge), Cyril Gautier (Europcar), Mikel Astarloza (Euskaltel-Euskadi), Christophe Riblon (Ag2r La Mondiale), Pavel Brutt (Katusha)
我昨天的預測又不準...Movistar 整隊幫忙開路,幫誰?
山路上兔子掙登山點數,特別是Jens Voigt (RadioShack Leopard) 不服老,單飛吃下一級坡Mont Revard
到了最後的決勝坡Semnoz,一觸到山腳,SKY boys 把速度拉得飛快
正當最前頭只剩GC + 2nd favorites 時,J-Rod 攻了!! Quintana 與弗嚕米接上
沒想到Contador 心有餘而力不足,眼睜睜看他們跑掉
最後1km,弗嚕米又攻,這下Quintana 懶得纏綿,直接刷卡,直指單站
J-Rod 也拉開弗嚕米,抓緊機會拿下單站第二,搶GC3
Contador 哀莫大於心死,完全不設防...落後波提與
Quintana 一過終點又縮缸,司空見慣~
Quintana 拿下單站 + 白衫 + 紅點衫 + GC2
這一幕讓Q 半仙回到1996 年環法,也有個年輕人拿下白衫與GC2:Jen Ullrich...1997 就...
當然2007 Contador 是黃衫白衫一起穿,2009 年史妹也是拿下白衫與GC2...他倆在2010 環法演出的你儂我儂令人難忘...
MERIDA 2013環法賽導覽 - Stage 20|嘴砲王
2013年7月20日 星期六
Tour de France 2013 - Stage 19
Route:Bourg d'Oisans - Le Grand Bornand 204.5km
1 Rui Alberto Faria Da Costa (Por) Movistar Team
2 Andreas Klöden (Ger) RadioShack Leopard
3 Jan Bakelants (Bel) RadioShack Leopard
Ryder Hesjedal (Garmin - Sharp) 率先通過Col du Glandon,開始下坡
Pierre Rolland (Europcar), Christophe Riblon (AG2R), Moreno Moser (Cannongale) 緊追在後
Peloton 終於出現了
雖然囧爺完全沒有爭GC 的機會了,但Q 半仙認為他的下坡姿勢還是既帥又犀利
David Millar (Garmin - Sharp) 摔...
Svein Tuft (Orica-GreenEdge) 也摔...
Roberto Ferrari (Lampre-Merida) 吃土啊...
由於Contador 位居GC 榜榜眼,但只領先探花Quintana (Movistar) 12s,猶如芒刺在背...只好整隊出來護航
SKY boys 可樂得輕鬆~
最後一坡Col de la Croix Fry,葡萄牙種馬Rui Costa (Movistar) 海放兔子Pierre Rolland (Europcar) 頂著滂沱大雨率先過頂
隊友Jan Bakelants (RadioShack Leopard) 也是一副恍如隔世的表情滑進終點拿第三
GC + 2nd favorites 黏TT 回終點
MERIDA 2013環法賽導覽 - Stage 19|嘴砲王
明天是GC2 2 大決戰,Q 半仙來猜一下:
1. 哥倫比亞禿鷹Quintana (Movistar) 單挑Team Saxo-Tinkoff... 因為Movistar 沒人會幫他,也沒人能幫他,但是放心!他會搶回GC2
2. SKY 今天接受Team Saxo-Tinkoff 輸誠(山路上幫忙設定節奏),明天應該不會出頭,但難保弗嚕米會覺得康牛肉實在太慢而追上Quintana,終點前讓出單站
3. 分析完,突然覺得Stage 20 應該好看,但...我們還是賭Stage 21 盤爺會不會繼續笑傲香榭麗舍大道好了...
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