Q.Dear Lennard,
I am an amateur road racer, very little success, but just love the race anyway. My point is that I don’t stress a bike like the fast guys, though I wish I could. Next, I have been considering tubulars (for the wait and fun of mastering a new bike tech.)
My question: given my profile, would you say that using tape instead of glue would be ok/safe for a rider like me? The gluing process is too much for me to do (and enjoy), and so I wouldn’t use tubulars for this reason. But, the Extreme tape from Vittoria is so much easier to work with, and if it is safe, I would be inclined to try the tubular rims.
— Will
A.Dear Will,
It’s hard to say. The smooth corners aren’t usually what rolls tires; it’s the unexpected things. Like hitting a drainage dip in the middle of a corner or clipping a pedal in a corner so that it lifts the rear wheel and comes slamming down on the sidewall.
Although it’s by no means definitive, put the tire on with tape and try and push it off with your thumbs at various pressures. It needs to be really hard to get started to come off to be safe to stay on, in my opinion.
Sorry; it’s simply not a question I can give a yes or no answer to.
— Lennard
1. 傳統管胎膠表現得非常穩定而能被信賴,假如你老實不偷步驟黏的話。但是耗時又難搞!
2. 3M #4485雙面膠(請參考 Elsa寫的這篇),在我的經驗裡非常容易施工,騎乘表現穩定。當我要換胎時,輪胎洩氣之後,我拆胎時拆得我大拇指都破皮了...好強的膠合力量!我發現雙面膠與管胎的乳膠層比較貼合,而拆完胎後碳纖輪框非常乾淨
因此我目前的結論:我會推薦使用3M #4485雙面膠(其他各廠也有初,我試過也會post心得上來),好用方便!出門騎車也好整備不怕破胎。但如果你會激烈操駕(例:高速繞圈賽,極限殺彎......等),而且對雙面膠沒信心,那還是使用管胎膠吧...我是對雙面膠的黏性比管胎膠有信心啦~~
當然,要是遇到這種狀況也只好攤手,C'est la vie
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