2013年11月29日 星期五

20131129 AQ 報報

1. Miguel Indurain 簽進Caja Rural espoir

Miguel Indurain,18 歲,是離我們最近的環法5 GC 1 霸主Miguel Indurain 兒子


2. 8 隊提出Giro d'Italia 2014 外卡申請


3. FDJ 延長贊助合約至2016

從1997 創隊贊助到2016,整整20 年,在車隊經理Marc Madiot 的運籌帷幄之下,會有更多超新星像前輩們:Philippe Gilbert, Chris Horner, Mark Renshaw, Bradley Wiggins, Baden Cooke...在車壇發出璀璨的光芒

Q 半仙認為:FDJ 才是真正代表法國公路車運動的車隊

4. 坎爺油畫再一張,Paris-Roubaix

5. 法國英雄Richard Virenque 最近在幹嘛?

Moves like Jagger?

2013年11月28日 星期四

20131128 AQ 報報

1. Tour of Flanders 2013 最重要的一刻

2. Movistar 2014 新車發表

Canyon 車架,Campy 套件/輪組,馬牌輪胎,LOOK 踏板,Fizik 坐墊

3. 關於Hour Record,你不能不知道的貓膩|inrng

目前紀錄保持人Chris Boardman MBE (規定車/非規定車記錄都是他)


說到Hour Record,就一定要知道這個劃時代的巨擘Graeme Obree,他的事績在2006 年被拍成電影The Flying Scotsman,你愛騎車? 必看!

2013年11月27日 星期三

20131127 AQ 報報

1. Baden Cooke 宣布退休

歷經14 年職業生涯,拿過6 站環法冠軍,身穿2003 環法綠衫...

他表示:After 14 years racing at the highest level, I am moving on. Having the honour of finishing my career with Australia’s first own World Tour team has been a dream. Racing surrounded by my best mates has been a phenomenal experience. I am very proud of my career and am ready for my next adventure. I feel blessed having had the life and career that I always dreamed of having since I was a little boy starting out at Benalla Cycling club with a BMX and a stack hat. All I ever wanted in life was to race bikes professionally. I never thought I would have so much success and win the races that I did. I am retiring from racing at a professional level but I will continue to train and don’t be surprised to see me pop up at a local race.

未來,他將會在Monaco 成立運動管理公司,要培養更多澳洲的超新星們站上世界舞台

2. 愛爾蘭國家冠軍Matt Brammeier 被Champion System 惡意滅隊之後,與Synergy Baku 簽約

水往低處流,人往高處爬,Matt Brammeier 也不想屈就


扒褲車隊的背後金主非常有錢,也許會讓車隊循Astana 模式爬上世界頂端...即或不然,luee 也給得不錯啊~

3. Tejay van Garderen 決定不衛冕環加州,要拼環法

但是隊友飛泥的篇幅比TJ 還多是怎麼回事...

每到了歲末,Q 半仙就會覺得BMC 來年必定大有可為,但幾年過去了...除了囧爺穿黃衫以及TJ 不斷成長,還有飛泥一直扮花美男...

2014 的BMC,拜託~~Q 半仙等著貴隊古典賽與Grand Tour 大放異彩

4. Mustafa Sayar...Tour of Turkey...EPO...UCI...水落石出?

AQ 相關報報一AQ 相關報報二

5. 職業公路車壇:真男人的世界|inrng

inrng 的觀點Q 半仙認同


2013年11月26日 星期二

20131126 AQ 報報

1. Lampre-Merida 車隊基地被洗劫

各位看官若在各大國際拍賣網站上看到下列物品出售,請跟Lampre-Merida 聯繫

- Merida TT Warp time trial bikes, team colours, complete with wheels and components
- Merida Reacto Evo bikes, team colour, complete with wheels and components
- Merida Ride bikes, team colour, complete with wheels and components
- Merida Sculpture bikes, team colours, complete with wheels and components
- Merida frames ready for assembly
- Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 11 speed electronic groupsets
- Fulcrum carbon wheels - fuchsia coloured lenticular models and high-profile rims (80 mm, 50 mm, 35 mm and 25 mm)
- Selle San Marco (model 2013) and Prologo saddles (2014 models)
- Measuring systems : SRM ( 2013 season ) and Rotor with computer Garmin ( 2014 season )
- All the spare parts relating to the bike

2. 2013 WorldTour 賽場上值得回味的時刻

非常值得買來收藏噢! 工商服務請點這兒

2013年11月25日 星期一

20131125 AQ 報報


2. Argos-Shimano 簽下馬來西亞車手Loh Sea Keong

他今年贏了一站Tour of Thailand,一站Tour of Singkarak,加上Jelajah Malaysia GC1


3. Team Colombia 正在與巴斯克隊長Igor Anton 接觸中


4. 還在用別針搞爆車衣以及號碼布? 試試RaceDots!

2013年11月22日 星期五

20131122 AQ 報報

1. 亞洲特輯 Issue 26 of Peloton Magazine 不買可惜

2. Omega Pharma-Quickstep 發表2014 車隊定番

3. 盤爺被禁止去玩Ghent Six-Day

OPQS GM Patrick Lefevere 表示:We pay him to perform on the road, and he must fully concentrate on that. On the first day of the Ghent Six-Day, two riders crashed. What if one of them had been Mark? Furthermore, track racing does not fit into his preparations for next season.

但Q 半仙認為Lefevere 下面這段話才是重點! Our bicycle sponsor, Specialized makes a considerable effort for Cavendish so of course I do not want to see Mark on a black bicycle.

不懂Ghent Six-Day 沒關係,點這裡有簡介

Ghent Six-Day 舉辦場地Kuipke velodrome 只有168m,碗緣陡峭,觀眾極富熱情,看官們有機會一定要去朝聖!

4. Tour de San Luis 真的跟Santos Tour Down Under 槓上了

Santos Tour Down Under(Australia):19-26 Jan. 2014;WorldTour;18 隊WorldTour team + ProConti 外卡

Tour de San Luis(Argentina):19-26 Jan. 2014;America Tour 2.1;ProConti 與Conti + 12 隊WorldTour team

還有59 天~2014 賽季就開跑囉~~

2013年11月21日 星期四

20131121 AQ 報報

1. Allan Davis 找不到合約,但他還是繼續訓練,要想辦法留在歐洲賽場

Euskaltel, Vacansoleil-DCM, Sojasun 的消亡,讓市場上有一大票車手待價而沽

更別提Samuel Sanchez, Chris Horner 等大咖也都還沒簽約呢...

同胞Baden Cooke 也找不到合約,更何況是Allan Davis

但他最後表示:I’m still chasing a ride in Europe and that remains the plan. If something doesn’t come through I’ve got some other ideas. I’d like to stay in cycling. I’m just preparing like normal. I’m just staying in the frame of mind that something will come up, that’s all I can do.

2. 坎爺表示:跟Trek 簽的約可能是我生涯最後一份...

他語重心長的道出:I won’t say I could stop now because I’m still fresh, I’m still motivated and I have the fire you need, but the more you travel during the season, you say 'hey, maybe you’re getting older and older.' I’m not really super old but somehow I am old because I have so many years on my shoulders. Cycling is not everything in life. It’s a passion, a job, something I love and something I’ve taken a lot from. I’ve learnt a lot and it’s a big life experience but what is tomorrow? When something happens, what is tomorrow? There is a new life.

3. David Millar 也正在計劃他退休前的最後一個賽季,冀望還能迸出璀璨

4. 2014 Tour of Flanders 又改路線了

但,還是沒有Muur...2013 與2014 路線比較請點這裡

5. Chris King 要出輪組了!!!!


除了島野家輪組,Q 半仙最有興趣就是這家了...會是鬼島代工廠編的嗎? 相信很快就會知道了~

2013年11月20日 星期三

20131120 AQ 報報

1. UnitedHealthcare 明年換新車架贊助


2. George Bennett 被CANNONDALE 簽走了



3. 騎車沒勁兒? 保證你聽都沒聽過的:Adrenal Fatigue (腎上腺疲勞)

這些原因都會影響腎上腺功能:Lack of sleep; Trauma – Death of a loved one; Marital stress; Financial pressures; Too much caffeine; Sugar and white flour; Smoking; Toxins and pollution; Infections Allergies; Too little exercise; Too much exercise; Over-exertion; Lack of relaxation


正常的吃天然食物,正常作息,讓身體的功能恢復,比起催出推力/重量比>6 重要多了!

4. 雖然2013 的車手與車隊合約是到12/31 才算終結,但2014 賽季已經悄悄開始了



包括最近造訪台灣的Tiffany Cromwell,也是拿SPECIALIZED 來Taiwan KOM 試車

但,理論上公開場合他們還是要著目前車隊服裝以及騎隊車...off-season 抓比較不嚴吧


恩...但Q 半仙私心還是想存錢買SRM...

2013年11月19日 星期二

20131119 AQ 報報

1. 終於公佈了,Tiffany Cromwell 轉隊到Specialized-lululemon

昨天去跟Rapha Taipei Ride 1117 團,看到她的練習車,Q 半仙是猜到了...但,這種個人的事不好開口直接問...


2. Emma Pooley 也確定與Lotto Belisol 簽約

以上兩位都是為了2016 里約奧運鋪路

3. Team Colombia 以及其GM Claudio Corti 想趁Samuel Sánchez 身無合約時把他搶過來

車隊出不出得了香吉士要的價碼是最大問題...不過Team Colombia 比競爭對手Accent.jobs - Wanty 多一個優勢



4. 月經問題:怎麼爬得更快更高?

4.1. Climb your ass

4.2. Hardcore

4.3. 裝個變頻式馬達

4.4. 木頭人!

4.5. 磨豆漿還是狂抽猛送?

4.6. 功率重量比(關鍵字出現了,有種標題終於恢復正常的感覺嗎?)是硬道理

4.7. 倒底是LDS 還是LSD?

5. 對於2015 開始實施抓到doping 就4 年車監|inrng 這麼看

Not all positive tests mean four years. WADA has a list “specified substances” where under defined conditions the ban may be reduced. “The purpose is to recognize that it is possible for a substance to enter an athlete’s body inadvertently, and therefore allow a tribunal more flexibility when making a sanctioning decision” says WADA’s website. This list typically includes molecules contained in many over-the-counter medicines or even herbal remedies and consumer products. It’s only the kind of substances that you can’t buy that will result in automatic four year bans, think EPO, human growth hormones or a blood transfusion.




直接跳結論:A four year ban might not double the deterrent factor but it will alter the composition of the pro peloton.

2013年11月18日 星期一

20131118 AQ 報報

1. 從2015 年開始,抓到doping,車監四年

要是大牌車手在國外可能還勉強會被人記得,要是鬼島四年後...抽車時放個響屁 大家都不會記得你

2. 關於坎爺要拼Hour Record...

2.1. 時間不好喬...坎爺的專屬教練Luca Guercilena 表示:First of all we’ll study the equipment with the engineers from Trek, then we’ll decide the right moment to go for it. The ideal moment would be after a peak of form: he needs three weeks of specific training to get used to the track. There are two possible moments in the season: after the spring Classics or after the first of the two Grand Tours that Fabian has on his programme.

2.2. 場地仔細找...坎爺的專屬教練Luca Guercilena 表示:We haven‘t done any specific tests but speaking to experts, it seems there are three fast tracks: Manchester, Aguascalientes (Mexico) and Anadia (Portugal).

從還能惡搞空氣力學的美好1996 年Chris Boardman 創下56.375km 之後,UCI 嚴格制定了Hour Record 的器材與人員硬體規範


目前的Hour Record 是Chris Boardman 在2000 十月創下的49.441km...只比Merckx 爵爺多10m...

Q 半仙很期待已經過了十幾年,Hour Record 能跳出50km...

3. Darwin Atapuma 明年要以BMC 車手身份站上WorldTour 舞台




4. 昨天,我去當追星族...騎了Rapha Taipei Ride 1117

4.1. 不只快,穩而且順才是職業車手的本色,我不穩不順不快
4.2. 我還是太肥
4.3. 練多少表現就多少,昨天的南瓜現象極度明顯,越了身體的界就直接被刷卡開掉

2013年11月15日 星期五

20131115 AQ 報報

1. Euskaltel-Euskadi 縮減規模後2014 登記為Continental team

車隊經理還是Miguel Madariaga,照樣汲汲營營的找贊助商...真的讓他挖到一些錢,撐不住第一級的車隊,但是養洲際隊夠了

2. 蝦帥與IAM Cycling 一起擘畫進軍環法的目標

從古典賽開始,夠積極,成績夠好,就會被ASO 相中,拿環法外卡去當程咬金

3. 車隊名字背後...



M:MTN-Qhubeka,MTN 是南非電信商,包括中東也是他們的客戶...看看伊朗與敘利亞業績多好! 相較于上述兩隊,這我們也許有機會支持一下吧

不過,Katusha (還有Rusvelo)就不是一般大眾,民間企業可以花錢支持的...戰鬥民族什麼企業會這麼大? 軍火商...

仔細了解職業車隊背後的金主是什麼行業,他們贊助車隊是要拓展業績還是要漂白惡名(例:Orica - GreenEdge)


2013年11月14日 星期四

20131114 AQ 報報

1. 2014 Tour de Langkawi 路程硬斗,又有更多WorldTour 大駕光臨...精彩可期

今年已經有Astana, Omega Pharma-Quickstep, Garmin-Sharp, Blanco Pro Cycling(Belkin), Orica-GreenEdge 參賽,讓歐洲人都知道亞洲也有這等高水準2.HC 可以參加

目前Saxo Bank 已經確定出戰2014...今年參賽的5 支WorldTour 也應該沒問題

Le Tour de Langkawi 2014 (2.HC):
Stage 1, Thursday 27th February 2014: Langkawi (101.1km)
Stage 2, Friday 28th February 2014: Sungai Petani - Taiping (132.5km)
Stage 3, Saturday 1st March 2014: Kampar - Kuala Lumpur (166.5km)
Stage 4, Sunday 2nd March 2014: MAS Subang - Genting Highlands (110.9km)
Stage 5, Monday 3rd March 2014: Karak - Rembau (139.3km)
Stage 6, Tuesday 4th March 2014: Melaka - Pontian Kechil (199.1km)
Stage 7, Wednesday 5th March 2014: Kota Tinggi - Pekan (230.1km)
Stage 8, Thursday 6th March 2014: Kuantan - Marang (202.6km)
Stage 9, Friday 7th March 2014: Bandar Permaisuri - Kuala Terengganu (109.7km)
Stage 10, Saturday 8th March 2014: Tasik Kenyir - Kuala Terenganu Loop (114.7km)

Total distance: 1506.5km

經營了27 年,Q 半仙認為Tour de Langkawi 就像環沖繩一樣,是亞洲的經典

2. Samuel Sánchez 在中東世界找到另一片天?

目標是要帶Emirati Sky Dive team 在2015, 2016 進軍WorldTour



這是另一個參加者寫的2011 AIS WOMEN’S SELECTION CAMP 大冒險,標題下得好:
Don’t keep your courage in a box|Lisa Jacobs


2013年11月13日 星期三

20131113 AQ 報報

1. 明年還不知在哪兒落腳,2011 環西冠軍Juanjo Cobo 何去何從?

2012 因為牙齒問題,他表現不好,只抓下96 點積分...2013 只出賽了58 天,僅掙得60 點積分...遠小於2011 年的1048 點

他很便宜(相較於Horner 的要價),他還不想退休,但...


2. GreenEDGE Cycling 老闆Gerry Ryan 接下Cycling Australia 總裁一職...他適合嗎?

特別是出現利益衝突的時候,例:決定世錦賽陣容時...他要怎麼支持他的Orica-GreenEDGE 車手又不失公允?

Gerry Ryan 表示:Before I took up the position I went through a process with the board. There isn’t, according to the board — and certainly the Sports Commission ran an eye over what I do in cycling — they don’t see a conflict and in fact they said [Ryan’s other cycling interests are] probably beneficial going forward. It’ll go through the process — the sports commission and also CA — and I would step aside.

而CA 的代理CEO Adrian Anderson 則表示:I don’t think there a sport where conflicts of interest don’t exist. Like Mike Fitzpatrick’s the chairman of the AFL and he’s a shareholder of Telstra and ANZ Stadium or one of the equity holders. It’s the nature of sport that if you want people that are passionate and good and involved, there’s going to conflicts from time to time. Otherwise you’ll never get quality people like Gerry involved. You’ve just got to manage [the conflict] if there is one.

Q 半仙不是澳洲人,對於他們家務事不方便表示意見


2013年11月12日 星期二

20131112 AQ 報報

1. UCI 表示2013 Vuelta a España 很乾淨,驗不出沒人用禁藥

特別是Chris Horner 再次跳出來澄清關於他使用禁藥的乳摸

希望如此,Q 半仙極度厭惡禁藥而樂於見到大家乾淨公平的競爭...我擔心一兩年後USADA 出來打臉啊

2. 經過這兩年的經營,Orica - GreenEdge 也釋出一些車手

例如別府史之...他又鳳還巢,回Team Trek


今日主角Wesley Sulzberger

剛升上Pro Conti 的Drapac 當仁不讓就吸收了

因此,2014 年Drapac Professional Cycling Team 車手名單如下:Jack Anderson, Jonathan Cantwell, Will Clarke, Jai Crawford, Floris Goesinnen, Robbie Hucker, Ben Johnson, Jordan Kerby, Darren Lapthorne, Travis Meyer, Lachlan Norris, Tom Palmer, Adam Phelan, Malcolm Rudolph, Bernard Sulzberger, Wes Sulzberger, Wouter Wippert


3. 2013 終算,各車隊勝場與車手勝率|inrng


因此,Q 半仙不得不佩服Sky...


4. CX 世錦冠軍Sven Nys (Crelan-KDL) 也用上島野家油碟上CX 賽場了

島野家為了公路車碟煞趕出來的CX 輪組,花鼓是CX75...新鮮熱辣...

這讓Q 半仙想到前陣子Rabobank CX 隊使用油壓系統,因為配套不周而造成纏綿悱惻...XD

5. 這是Q半仙最欣賞的一篇2013 Taiwan KOM 報導:FOUR HOURS ON THE RIVET: THE 2013 TAIWAN KOM CHALLENGE|CyclingTips

其中,這段話真是道盡鬼島比賽前的序曲啊:Finally, after a series of 10-minute speeches refined to two sentences in English the countdown commenced and the downpour began.

2013年11月11日 星期一

20131111 AQ 報報

1. Projected 2014 WorldTour teams

Argos-Shimano (licence subject to assessment)
Astana (renewal applied for)
BMC Racing
Europcar (new licence application)
Lotto-Belisol (licence subject to assessment)
Movistar (renewal applied for)
Omega Pharma-QuickStep
Orica-GreenEdge (renewal applied for)
Saxo Bank
Sky (renewal applied for)
Trek (licence transfer requested)

UCI 表示Lotto-Belisol 與Argos-Shimano 的申請表上有"unspecified irregularities"...

Lotto-Belisol 表示補上兩個行政手續就完備了...

Argos-Shimano 則表示他們的新贊助商還在看黃曆挑名字(家豪, 志明, 志豪, 冠宇;,淑芬, 麗華, 雅惠...不好嗎?),也沒問題...不然叫費雲帆好了

希望只是文書作業疏失...而不是Katusha 案重現...

2013.12.10 UCI 會宣布完整WorldTour 名單,屆時就知道了...

2013年11月7日 星期四

20131107 AQ 報報

1. Euskaltel-Euskadi 車隊消亡了,車手們呢?

參考一下,Vacansoleil-DCM 的車手們動向...荷蘭文

2. 美國德拉瓦州處線了這個路標

Image: Tom Cochrane/Flickr

好? 不好? 會不會對騎士造成更大的安全問題?


3. Simon Clarke@ Taiwan KOM international press conference!!

轉貼自Enervit Taiwan FB

2013年11月6日 星期三

20131106 AQ 報報

1. 西班牙癌症專家揭露從癌症治療研究中衍生出來的禁藥檢測新方向

Dr. Belda 這段話最重要:Indeed, tumour cells feed off EPO and because of that they develop specific receptors. For that reason, we know all about EPO and we are learning how to fight that as part of the battle against cancer. Even a tiny drop of EPO can boost the size of a tumor cell culture by "1,800 in just five days when normally, without EPO, it would double in size at most over the same period.

看得懂就記在心裡,2~3 年後也許會有重大變革...看不懂就算了...

Q 半仙也是剛好在這個領域當打工仔才會略懂...

2. 爆炸鈾的新座駕

3. Lotto Belisol 好巴士,不買?


2013年11月5日 星期二

20131105 AQ 報報

1. 弗嚕米爬坡像飛的一樣是因為...

2. Ghisallo museum 資金拮据...要關閉到明年三月

Lombardy 區體育部官員Antonio Rossi 表示:In the coming days we’ll meet with the museum’s management, local representatives and volunteers. Together with CONI, we’ll look to establish a new form of management. No, the museum won’t disappear – it’s part of the world heritage of sport and it should be conserved and protected.

而可樂果爺爺Ernesto Colnago 也希望能出一份力:There needs to be a first phase to make up the deficit and another to re-launch the museum. The entry tickets [€6] and merchandising aren’t sufficient. Magni was thinking about launching a ‘Ghisallo’ or ‘Lion of Flanders’ line of bikes, but maybe it would be easier to organise events with Ghisallo at the heart of them.


3. SRAM 請車架廠先別把RED22, S700 裝上成車販售

有安全疑慮...這批有問題的套件是2013.9.5 以後出廠,序號是36T30993767~42T39407156


4. UCI 頒布了比賽新規定:1.2.064 bis It is strictly prohibited to use sidewalks/pavements, paths or cycle paths alongside the roadway that do not form part of the course. Non-respect of this requirement is sanctioned in accordance with Article bis, without prejudice to any other sanctions that may apply.

簡單說就是不准取巧,要乖乖騎在賽道上...從2014.1.1 開始實施


Note Article bis states the rider is liable for a cash fine and crucially “elimination”, ie disqualification. The rule seems to have two purposes:

Fairness: the course can’t involve shortcuts or easy sections. If the race organiser includes a section of cobbles then they and the UCI don’t want riders taking the easy option
Safety: to stop riders trying to move to up the bunch by exploiting paths and pavements to the side of the road.




2013年11月3日 星期日

20131103 AQ 報報

1. Team Trek 經理Luca Guercilena 說白了就是不想付那麼多錢與2013 Vuelta a España 冠軍Chris Horner 簽新約

Guercilena 接受Tuttobici 訪問時表示:We have to prioritise the youngsters and above all, I can’t give Chris what he wants: we have other priorities.

2. 2013 退休潮點將錄

這批退休潮組起來就是一隊夢幻WorldTour OB 了

3. GIANT PROPEL ADVANCED SL 0 REVIEW:The most difficult bike I’ve ever ridden to control (note that I am comparing this to traditional bikes and this is the only aero bike I’ve done a longterm test on).

所以Aero bike 就該比較難控制? Tough to control in the crosswinds...實在讓我很難接受...

4. 去年報導過的Robert Marchand 老爺爺又回來了,他要再挑戰最高齡一小時記錄


在醫囑最高心跳不可以高於110bpm (就公式來說220-102=118...他真的拼到了極限XD)的前提下,他還是想辦法讓自己更強:提高VO2max (35),增加輸出功率10% 讓功率體重比來到2.65 w/kg,體脂肪13%

Q 半仙真的五體投地~

5. Track World Cup Round 1 - Manchester, England 驗收 - 大不列顛場地團隊世代交替,成功!

2013年11月1日 星期五

20131101 AQ 報報

萬聖節快樂! 啊?!是昨天啊~~

1. Hesjedal 年少時使用EPO 事件,CCES 發表了聲明

這段話最重要:It is important to note that the World Anti-Doping Code has an eight-year statute of limitations. As such, unfortunately Mr. Hesjedal’s acknowledgement of doping in 2003 will not result in a violation or any sanction.

ㄣ...該怎麼說呢...Hesjedal 時機選得好~

2. Groupe Gobert team setup(前Accent.Jobs)正在重整,對前奧運公路賽冠軍Samuel Sanchez 以及隊友巴斯克隊長Igor Anton 有興趣哩!

看看從Vancansoleil DCM 投奔過來的找錢大師Hilaire van der Schueren 能不能找到更多資金,把這兩位大明星簽下來囉



Mad Fiber 早已被Divine Cycling Group 給吞了(還有Blue, Serotta 這兩個牌子)...對於財務狀況不佳的公司通常是這樣做:把拖油瓶(員工,特別是元老)火光光,只留下品牌,技術專利以及廠設,然後轉賣,或是借屍還魂

當年的LEW 輪組成也蕭何敗也蕭何...不過老闆Paul Lew 本人倒是因為有一身驚人技藝,又回鍋Reynolds Cycling 幹研發長(看這篇葉佩雯就知道他的Aero畫虎爛 功力)

Q 半仙對於Reynolds 輪組研發及生產嚴謹有非常好的印象,輪組大推.......哎呀~扯遠了~~